Wish List

In order to continue to improve the quality of our productions, we are looking for certain items. If you do a spring clean and find any of these items lying around (in working condition), we would love to give them a new home! Or if you prefer to donate cash toward the purchase of an item, we have included the approximate price of each item below.
(For financial contributions – Please write the name of the item towards which you wish to contribute in the “notes.”)

To donate an item below, contact us at (920) 826-5852. We are happy to travel to you, if the item is larger.
- Hand Power Tools – $150.00, each list item
- Skill Saw
- Cordless Drill – two (2)
- Sawzall
- Sander
- Multi-Tool
- Tool Box
- Heavy Duty poles and brackets for hanging costumes in Sewing room and Costume room – $200
- Desktop Computer – $400.00
- One (1) Toilet – $270.00 (2 out of 3 toilets are now taken care of, thank you to our generous donors for the best “seats” in the house!)
- Janitor’s cart or Rubbermaid type closet for janitorial supplies – $100.00
- Heavy duty shelving for scene shop – $300.00
- Lycian Midget 1206 followspot – $2000
- Ceiling Fan Duster with Extension Pole, Cobweb & Corner Brush Cleaning Kit – $30-40
Have something else you think might be of interest/use to us? Call us at (920) 826-5852
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Questions? Call the Box Office (920) 826-5852