Abrams Spotlight Productions, Inc. is a non-profit community theatre organization founded in January 2003 by the late Nancy Byng and Brandon Byng. Since 2007 we have been presenting three shows per year in our home, The Byng Community Theater. Our mission is to produce and perform professional, affordable, family-friendly theatrical productions. We strive to build confidence and character in the children and adults involved in our organization, igniting a passion that brings a new appreciation for the arts and a memorable experience to the communities we serve.
Have you have ever wanted to be in a play? How about build or decorate a set? Ever want to work backstage making costumes, providing props, applying make-up, meet new people, or just get out of the house for a few hours? If so, Abrams Spotlight Productions invites you to become an active participant in its many fun-filled activities. There’s always a need for people to perform the dozens of tasks required for a successful production. If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, contact us at the box office via email or phone.