Accepting 2025 applications for the Hollie Surber Memorial Schoalrship

Attention all graduating Seniors! We’re excited to announce that the Hollie Surber Memorial Scholarship is currently open for applications! This prestigious scholarship will award $500 to one deserving graduating Senior, or potentially distribute $250 each to two exceptional candidates, who are planning to further their education after high school. The scholarship is named in honor of Hollie Surber, a dedicated and passionate Board Member of Abrams Spotlight Productions. She was deeply committed to nurturing the arts and supporting the youth in our community. Tragically, she passed away in 2023, and this scholarship serves as a tribute to her inspiring legacy and dedication to theater.

Last year, the scholarship provided funding to two graduates who successfully enrolled at St. Norbert College and NWTC. While preference will be given to applicants aiming for a career in the arts or theater, we encourage all eligible students to apply.

Brigette Finger, a board member at ASPI, states, “Hollie was deeply passionate about creating opportunities and experiences for children, particularly in the arts. She was a strong advocate for our youth productions and proudly embraced her role as a ‘theater mom’ as she watched her own kids grow up on our stage.”

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a resident of Brown or Oconto counties.
  • Must be graduating from high school with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Must have actively participated in theater or drama, whether through school or community programs.

Preference will be given to Seniors who:

  • Intend to major or minor in theater, performance arts, or a related field at an accredited two- or four-year college.
  • Have volunteered or participated in productions with ASPI during their high school career.

Application Process:
To apply for the scholarship, candidates must complete an online application and submit the following documents to ASPI:

  • A copy of their high school transcripts, including their current grade point average.
  • A comprehensive summary of their school, community, and employment activities, along with any awards and achievements. Please include information about any ASPI events in which you have participated or volunteered (limit two pages).
  • A one-page essay detailing how theater or the arts have influenced their life. (Please note that essays exceeding one page will not be considered.)

These documents can either be mailed to ASPI at PO Box 127, Abrams, WI, or sent via email.

To receive the link to apply, please email us at

All completed applications must be received by March 31. We encourage you to spread the word to all graduating Seniors, so we can continue to nurture and celebrate the arts within our community of youth!

A Bright Future: The Success of Our ‘Light the Way’ Capital Campaign

Exciting news from the Abrams Spotlight Productions community! Although December 2023 may feel like a blur, it marked the launch of our “Light the Way” Capital Campaign, a vital initiative dedicated to transforming our beloved Nancy Byng Community Theater with a state-of-the-art lighting system. With our existing equipment outdated and in dire need of upgrades, ASPI recognized the challenge ahead: raising $30,000 to illuminate our stage like never before!

Throughout 2024, we welcomed an incredible outpouring of support from our community. Thanks to the generosity of our fantastic donors, we managed to raise nearly $8,000! As we kicked off 2025, we knew our mission was not yet complete, and we were determined to reach our goal.

Then, a remarkable twist of fate occurred! In January 2025, an inspired donor, moved by an article in the Oconto County Reporter about our campaign and our needs, reached out to us. After heartfelt discussions, their passion for our mission led them to pledge the remaining funds we needed to finally upgrade our lighting system!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that our “Light the Way” campaign is now fully funded! This achievement owes everything to our dedicated supporters who believed in our vision for vibrant theater in the Oconto County area—and beyond!

As we gear up to implement this exciting new lighting system, we can hardly contain our excitement to unveil these enhancements to our cherished patrons in the upcoming months.

A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for your incredible support! If you’re still interested in contributing—whether to this campaign, our general fund, or our scholarship fund—please don’t hesitate to reach out at or call us at 920-826-5852. Together, we’re shining brighter than ever!

Audition Tips and Tricks… from the Director of “The Play that Goes Wrong”

Upcoming Auditions: The Play That Goes Wrong

An ill-fated theater company strives to produce an ambitious murder mystery play, but with disaster after disaster, will the cast even make it to the final curtain?

In The Play That Goes Wrong props disappear, actors go missing, and the set begins to collapse… But the show must go on! This mayhem makes for a physical show, and a show where performers will have to almost constantly be doing two things at the same time. 

Director Mike Eserkaln is very excited, and a little daunted, to bring The Play That Goes Wrong to the ASPI stage. This will be the largest production in terms of cast and over-all production that he has ever directed! But if we’re not challenging ourselves to new things, what are we even doing here, right?!

Auditions will take place on January 28th and 29th from 6pm-8pm at the Nancy Byng Community Theater in Abrams (you only need to attend one of those dates).

Performers should be comfortable with a variety of stage pratfalls and stage combat safety expectations. Don’t worry, we won’t be doing “combat” necessarily, but the ability and knowledge of how to do things safely is going to be very important. The director is looking for people that not only fit the roles best, but also listen well and take direction that’s thrown at them in the moment.

For this type of show, Mike Eserkaln offers this advice: Be willing, even excited, to look and act like a fool up on stage!

If you have any questions please call the Box Office at 920-826-5852 or visit!

For more information regarding the upcoming The Play That Goes Wrong auditions, please visit:

Stay connected by following ASPI on social media so that you don’t miss a single update on auditions and the 2025 production season!

The Play That Goes Wrong

Auditions for The Play That Goes Wrong


There will be 8 performances of The Play that Goes Wrong.

Auditions for Godspell

Let us rise for a reading from the Gospel according to Matthew… to the tune of Godspell!

Godspell is based on the Gospel of Matthew, with music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz. (Yes, the same composer for WICKED!)

In this timeless tale of friendship and love, an eclectic group teams up with Jesus, using a blend of parables, songs, games, and dare we say tomfoolery, to play Jesus’ life out onstage. In this new age production, Jesus’ message of kindness, tolerance, and love shines vibrantly!

Director Liz Jolly-Haslitt is seeking a cast of male and female actors, aged 16 and older, and will host auditions December 18th and 19th from 6:00-8:30 pm at the Nancy Byng Community Theater (you only need to attend one of those dates).

Performances will be March 13-23, 2025, and there will be nine performances instead of the usual eight!

In preparation for auditions, director Liz Jolly-Haslitt is looking for an openness and lack of ego in her actors, as this will not be a “just learn your lines” kind of show. There will be movement and singing,  and she is relying on the actors to help create the piece. 

The best experiences Liz has had as an actor is when the director lets the actors really play, and she hopes to give that experience with Godspell. For the upcoming production, Liz is challenging herself to go back to her drama school roots because one of the most fun aspects of Godspell is that it’s a production that is completely what you make of it! While she will have parameters and “direction” in the production, she plans to let go of control and just let the theater flow. 

In preparation for your audition, Liz suggests being open and flexible! Over prepare, but then let that prepared-ness go to be able to see what happens in the moment.

If you have never auditioned for a production before, you may actually be at an advantage! Seasoned actors sometimes get stuck in their way of doing things. Just make sure you’re prepared as possible, and then trust yourself!

Also, Liz recommends, though it may feel incredibly awkward at first, to practice your audition in the mirror. Pay attention to your movement, and make sure it’s purposeful and that your face is conveying what you want.

And don’t forget to BREATHE! If you feel nervous, take a deep breath. Nerves cause you to tense muscles which affects everything.

Stay connected by following ASPI on social media so that you don’t miss a single update on auditions and the 2025 production season!

If you have any questions please call the Box Office at 920-826-5852 or visit!

For more information regarding the upcoming Godspell auditions, please visit:

From the Director of Seussical the Musical

Seussical the Musical is fun. It has brightly colored sets and costumes. It has lots of singing and dancing to all kinds of music that makes you want to sing and dance and think. In fact, it starts with a boy who loves to think and wonder and dream. He meets the Cat in the Hat and it’s a wild adventure from then on. He meets many characters from the books by Dr. Seuss, whose stories have been woven together with amazing music that ranges from jazz to Beach Boys rock’n’roll to a heartfelt melancholy ballad to a soft and sweet lullaby ending with a “drum-intense” big band swing number.

First seen here at ASPI in 2011, Seussical was a big step for us then, our first Broadway musical (with a brand-new lighting system – all those colors!). Thirteen years later, it is my great pleasure to present it to you again. I am so grateful to our cast and crew who have worked since September to sing, dance, build sets and props, create costumes and most of all, bring to life these funny, sweet, sour, cool, sassy, and loving characters and their stories. On the technical side, we have put every special effect we could find into this show, so be prepared for the unexpected. Be prepared for stars, colors, flashes, thunder, fog, bubbles, spooky tap dancers, and a few surprises.

I hope you enjoy all of it and find some new “thinks” of your own.

Thank you,
Debra Jolly

Wrap Up the Year with Generosity: Join Our Donation Campaign!

I was nervous when I stepped onto the stage to audition for Seussical the Musical, but by the time I hit the last note of my audition song, I felt like a Broadway performer. What a rush! Now I know why the actors love being on stage with Abrams Spotlight Productions Inc.

I’m Joan Koehne (AKA Mrs. Mayor in Seussical). I haven’t been in a show for 20+ years, not since I
performed with my kids in the first ASPI shows. ASPI founder Nancy Byng would be amazed by the
transformation. The theater has come so far! Instead of performing at the Abrams Town Hall, ASPI has a newly renovated theater facility. Instead of performing shows written by Nancy Byng, ASPI performs intricate Broadway shows, with talented singers, dancers, and actors.

One thing that hasn’t changed is the opportunity for community members like me to participate in a
show. I am having a lot of fun. I leave behind my everyday life and become someone totally different. I get to sing, dance, and interact with “theater people” of all ages.

Since 2003, ASPI has presented so many amazing shows for the community to enjoy. None of these
performances would be possible without our valued volunteers and generous sponsors. Thank you for your generosity in the past. You have helped ASPI produce remarkable shows and upgrade its facility. In 2024, ASPI repainted the theater a stunning midnight blue, installed an outdoor, lighted ASPI sign, purchased a lawn mower, and worked on foundation and landscaping projects.

ASPI is run 100% by volunteers. The theater plays an important role in the community, offering
involvement and entertainment opportunities not found in other rural communities. So, I earnestly ask for your sponsorship, so ASPI can achieve its goals in 2025 and beyond. Please make a tax-deductible donation as a Silver, Gold, Platinum or Corporate Spotlight Sponsor. Simply complete the portion below or donate securely online by going to and clicking “Support.” Thank you!

Joan Koehne, ASPI Volunteer and Performer

A “THINK” from the Board President

Twenty-five years ago, Nancy Byng had a really big think! She thunk of a theater here in Abrams. It
started out impossibly small in the town hall with sheets and wires for curtains and Nancy writing her
own scripts. But a theater is a theater no matter how small.

Abrams Spotlight Productions Inc. grew and grew to where we are today. Who knows where our theater
thinks can take us next! ASPI has been through a lot of transformations, especially the last couple of years. This year, you
probably noticed our building changed colors, and we have a lit sign facing the street. Less obvious are
the improvements we completed to the building’s foundation and exterior staircase. Plus, we now own
a super-sized, commercial riding lawnmower.

But wait, there’s more! ASPI is going beyond just a theater and shows to becoming an arts campus! Our
future is as bright as a spotlight, and it shines on us, the community. Let’s work together to really make
it shine! We invite you to be part of our theater family. Your support and generosity are what turns a
simple think into something grand.

Thanks to all of the ASPI supporters in 2024. Let’s make 2025 even more spectacular.

Bill Koehne
ASPI President

Seussical the Musical presented by Abrams Theater December 5-15 2024

ASPI Brings Dr. Seuss Characters to Life in ‘Seussical’

The Cat in the Hat with Jojo

Abrams Spotlight Productions Inc. invites you into the world of Dr. Seuss to revisit beloved characters including The Cat in the Hat, Horton the Elephant, Gertrude McFuzz, Lazy Mayzie, and JoJo.

“Seussical the Musical,” directed by Debra Jolly, will be presented Dec. 5-8 and 12-15 at the Nancy Byng Community Theater, 5852 Maple St., Abrams. Anyone interested in helping behind the scenes can contact ASPI to volunteer.

“Seussical” weaves a story of friendship, loyalty, and love. The Cat in the Hat guides us into The Jungle of Nool where we see Horton, the kind-hearted elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing Whoville. He meets JoJo, a Who child sent to military school for thinking too many “thinks.”

“Seussical” is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. Music by Stephen Flaherty, lyrics by Lynn Ahrens, and book by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty. Based on the works of Dr. Seuss.

To order tickets, visit or call the box office, 920-826-5852.

Horton with the Sour Kangaroo

Audition opportunities coming soon!

Calling all actors, actresses, and thespians! With the announcement of ASPI’s upcoming 2025 season, you must be itching to know when auditions will be held!

Here is a preview to keep you off the edge of your seat: 

  • Godspell
    • Director: Elizabeth Jolly-Haslitt
    • Performances: March 13-23, 2025
    • Auditions on 12/18/2024 or 12/19/2024

Did we mention that there will be nine performances instead of the usual eight?!

  • The Play that Goes Wrong
    • Director: Mike Eserkaln
    • Performances: May 8-18, 2025
    • Auditions on 1/28/2025 or 1/29/2025

A Ghost Tale for Mr. Dickens, Jr.

  • Director: Bobby Buffington
  • Performances: December 4-14, 2025
  • Auditions in August 2025

More information regarding auditions will be shared on ASPI’s Facebook page. Be sure to follow Abrams Spotlight Productions, Inc. so you don’t miss any important announcements!

If you have any questions please call the Box Office at 920-826-5852 or visit!