Buddy the Elf

Happy Holidays From ASP!

Does the holiday season make you feel all “sparklejollytwinklejingley” inside and out? This time last year our stage was home to Buddy the Elf and his friends. Familiar with the magical and comical holiday classic? The story follows Buddy the Elf as he ventures out from his home in the North Pole and crosses the seven levels of the Candy Cane Forest, past the sea of twirly-swirly gumdrops, and through the Lincoln Tunnel to find the father he never knew he had. What made Buddy so courageous to leave the people and place he has known all his life? FAMILY! Buddy’s desire to know and be close to the ones who matter most is such a sweet and sentimental reminder of what makes the holiday season so special. It’s spending time with the ones we love and hold dear!

And you, our sweet readers, are part of our extended theater family! While it has been some time since our seats have been filled and our stage has been set, you are as close to our hearts as ever, and we cannot wait to welcome you all back! In the meantime, just remember, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear! 🎶

Happy Holidays from our theater family to yours!